Friday, July 10, 2009

Fighting the H8

So here's the finished photo from my NOH8 photo shoot. I was so thrilled to have been a part of this.

We got a nice shout out from Just Jared this campaign. Please go check out NOH8 Campaigns website for more info


  1. Wow. Thanks for being a part of this campaign with Adam Bouska! You look great, as usual.

  2. A white t-shirt and a piece of tape - very few guys could pull off making that sexy. But oh you have! Excellent - and a very good campaign message too

  3. Good for you for taking part in such a worthy campaign! It's great that you're not just a pretty face, but actually have the mind to stand up for human rights. Thanks from all of us who were able to be married and those who want to be. I think you're awesome and look great!

  4. Hello Jonathan :)
    I'm from Poland and I saw you in the TV program. I'm am impressed by your proffesionalism. I do not know much about fashion, etc. but I think that you're a great model. You look gorgeous and I will often read your blog.
    Best regards,
    Magdalena (Madeleine) :)
